Foundation Gifts
With your gifts over the years the Foundation has been able to help with both the youth and our church.
Here are some the items we have helped with:
The Foundation donated $599 for the youth ski trip.
We have set aside $2000 for Camp Onomia camperships for 2016.
Fellowship sound abatement project $2,194.50
Roof project $9,000
For the Foundation to be able to continue its support of Christiania Lutheran Church and our church youth we need your help. Now is the time to make a difference please donate to the Christiania Lutheran Church Foundation. No matter how big or small it will all help.
If you have a grant request (see button on the right), please drop it off at the church office or give it to a Foundation member.
The Foundation wants to thank you for all your support.
Christiania Lutheran Church
Foundation Board
Larry Thompson - President
Barb Bachman - Secretary
Kim Clausen - Treasurer
Dick Swan
Christian Donovan
Daryl Rieck
Rob Metz - Executive Council Representative
Bruce Mohn
Pastor Jon Rhodes