Youth Holiday Bake Sale
A fundraising event for Christiania-sponsored Youth Mission Trips, ELCA Youth Gathering, Camp Onomia, and various other retreats and programs.
This is our 11th year of raising money for the youth ministry activities. All baked goods are prepared by the kids with supervision and help from the adults.
If you would like to contribute to this fundraiser but do not with to purchase cookies or pie, you may do so by filling out an order form with the monetary donation information.
Adult helpers are welcome and encouraged. If you would like to volunteer to help on December 10 or 17, please contact Joe Jorgensen or Kim Robertson.
We are accepting monetary donations to help cover the cost of ingredients. If you wish to make such a contribution, please make payment by check or VANCO with it clearly labeled “bake sale ingredients”
Cookie Sale
Orders will be accepted starting on November 13, 2022, until December 4, 2022
Pick up will be on Sunday, December 11 from 10-11:30 am
There is a box on the form for those who do not wish to buy cookies but would like to support the youth through this fundraiser or who want to make an additional contribution.
Pie/Bread Sale
Orders will be accepted starting on November 13, 2022, until December 11, 2022
Pick up will be on Sunday, December 18 from 10-11:30 am
There is a box on the form for those who do not wish to buy pies but would like to support the youth through this fundraiser or who want to make an additional contribution.