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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update


We are watching with anticipation as the new Minnesota executive order allows for specific types of small gatherings. A new leadership team, which includes a number of health professionals, is meeting this week to establish ‘guidelines and guardrails’ for what reopening the building, worshiping, and engaging in face-to-face ministry may look like.

I expect our initial focal points will be worship, small groups, and staff with priorities on the repeated processes for cleaning and distancing that will keep us safe. I assure you, it is a shared desire to be together as soon as we can do it safely. We plan to communicate steps forward as we are able. 

In the meantime, staff continues to work and serve.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Our Re-Engagement Committee is planning for us to get back together very soon. They are creating the “guidelines and guardrails” that...


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